Photo Lab Black and White Photo Lab - Let's get analogue
In the photo lab you can develop your own black and white films in small and medium format or make prints from your already developed films.
Prerequisite for the independent use of the photo lab is the course "Introduction to B/W Photo Development". On two exposure machines you can bring your black and white photos into the right format and learn the tricks of exposure and development. This instruction will help you to handle the chemicals correctly and you will get great results.
Consumables such as photo paper in various sizes and ADOX and Illford photochemicals for developing film and paper are available on site.
There is specialist advice and instruction every Wednesday from 18:00.
Photo development chemistry 1 set for approx. 20 prints - >8,00 EUR
Film development chemistry for 1-2 films -> EUR 8.00
Photo paper 12.7 x 17.8 cm (A6) per sheet 0.80 EUR
Photo paper 24 x 30.5 cm (A4) per sheet EUR 2.00