Alles an einem Ort
Open Workspaces
The Werkraum Augsburg offers everyone access to space, equipment and know-how to execute their own projects. Whether it's wood, metal, forging, electronics, textile processing, ceramics or children's workshop. At the Werkraum you can carry out all your craft projects.
To the Workspaces
ARbeiten zum besten Preis
As a member you work at the best and most relaxed conditions. With a basic membership you get a discount on the use of the laser cutter and with the plus membership even all machines are included for free!
to the form
werkeln mit den besten Freunden
Celebrate children's birthdays
Our popular children's birthday parties can finally take place here with us again and with instructions. Feel free to look around and book your desired date.
For children's birthdays
Platz und Möglichkeiten für dein Projekt
Our Workshops
Aber ich bin Student